Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire (MOAQ)

The Michigan Organizational Assessment Questionnaire is the product of the Quality of Work Research Program at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan in the mid 1970s. The complete instrument contains scales to assess many aspects of work. The most popular is the 3-item job satisfaction scale that has been used in more than 100 published studies summarized in a meta-analysis by Nathan Bowling and Gregory Hammond.

Paul’s Latest Book On Job Satisfaction

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Job Satisfaction: From Assessment to Intervention is a sequel to the highly cited (more than 12,000 times) Job Satisfaction published in 1997. On sale from the publisher Routledge.

Eighth edition of Paul’s textbook now available

industrial and organizational psychology

Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast about Hiring and IO Psychology

Paul talks with Yadi Caro of Hardcore Soft Skills Podcast.