Does a recommendation from a committee require a second

According to

Survival Tips on Robert's Rules of Order Origins of a Motion
  1. Item on the agenda:
    1. The chair introduces the item briefly
    2. A member moves a motion (seconded)
    3. Debate/Vote.
    1. A member moves a motion (seconded) during �New Business�, or
    2. Outside of �New Business�, a member moves an unrelated motion (seconded) with the body�s consent.
    3. Debate/Vote.
    1. Committee Chair presents a report
    2. Committee Chair states the committee�s recommendations
      [Resolutions committees are not charged with moving a motion. They are asked for a recommendation. A member must then move a motion.]
    3. Any member moves the recommendation as a motion (no second required), or
    4. Any member moves a slightly different motion (second required), or
    5. Any member moves a completely different motion (second required)
    6. Debate/Vote.
    1. Committee Chair presents a report
    2. Committee Chair moves the committee�s motion (no second required)
      [A chair may read this expected resolution in the form of a motion. It could be handled as an assumed motion. Or, debate would follow without a second required. It is wiser to allow the committee to make its own motion.]
    3. Debate/Vote.
    1. Chair states, �If there is no objection, a motion to � will be adopted.�
    2. If there is no objection, the motion is properly adopted without a second, or debate, or voting.
    3. If there is an objection, the chair handles the motion according to Robert�s Rules� 6 formal steps.

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