This paper attempts to provide some insights on students' various approaches towards solving words problems in Mathematics. 15 students were randomly selected from SSIII students of Demonstration Secondary School, Azare Bauchi State. Three (3) visits were scheduled to the school for interview, questions administration on words problem and discussions, the findings revealed that the students lack necessary knowledge and skills to solve word problems. It is recommended that teachers should employ various heuristics when teaching words problem to enable the students develop necessary skills needed to solve words problems.

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Mathematics Education Trends and Research

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Diversity Dimensions in Mathematics and Language Learning

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Issues in Educational Research

Understanding the challenges pertaining to the teaching and learning of mathematics word problems is important in order to formulate effective strategies that will address the challenges. The qualitative case study reported in this article describes the teachers’ and the learners’ experiences regarding mathematics word problems. Data were collected through focus group discussions and reflection sessions, through the use of the free attitude interview technique used to initiate the conversations. Thematic analysis was used to analyse data. Analysis of data revealed challenges related to lack of English proficiency, limited knowledge of mathematical vocabulary, the effects of “out of context” meanings and lack of understanding mathematical language and structure to be the sources of difficulty for teaching and learning mathematics word problems. Findings of the study suggest the need for challenges to be understood in context in order for meaningful possible solutions to be formulated.

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research

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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP)

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The study was conducted on selected students of the University of Southern Mindanao from July to August 2013 and included 34 respondents. The main objective of the study was to identify the challenges encountered by students in solving Algebra word problems. Descriptive method was used. A prepared assessment tool was administered to the respondents who were conveniently chosen. Data were analyzed using mean frequency and percentage. Result of the study shows that the students encountered challenges were difficulty in translating the word problems in mathematical phrase. With this dilemma, students usually opted to give up than find ways to answer the problem. Students look for numerical values in the problem and apply any of the fundamental operations where they think would work. This can be call Guess and Check method but students usually misused it because they disregard the conditions given in the problem. Students cannot combine learned rules and principles into mixed or combination of using those rules and principles. Students lack the skills needed to solve word problems such as understanding the language of algebra; concepts of LCM, decimals, percentage; and simplifying algebraic expressions. Based on the results of this study the researcher conclude that failure to solve algebraic word problems is due to lack of prerequisite skills, haven’t understand the concepts of rules and principles in algebra , that’s why they cannot apply their learned rules and principles into complex conditions that needs combinations of those rules and principles. Students memorize the process of their teacher in solving the problems that’s why when they encounter parallel problems they cram and blame the teacher because for not teaching about it. They don’t understand the concept deeply so they say their teacher hasn’t taught it where in fact it’s a parallel problem. To sum up the findings, challenges encountered by the students were difficulty in translating the word problems to mathematical phrase because they have not learned the language of algebra and in simplifying algebraic equation.

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This study aims to understand better student errors in solving mathematics word problems. A Word problem is a problem that has a story or arrangement based on sentences. The qualitative research approach was used. The data were collected by giving tests and interviewing two male high achievers senior high school students in mathematics. The student error analysis adopted the Newman error analysis system. The source triangulation was used to ensure the data validity. Based on the collecting data and data analysis, the decoding/reading error happened caused by students' common understanding or unfamiliarity of the mathematical terms used in the problem. The subjects showed inconsistency in interpreting problem sentences and misused mathematical symbols. Furthermore, the subject encountered difficulties with the arithmetic process, especially fractions and their operation. This research identified students' difficulties in solving problem mathematics word problems. Moreover, th.

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Faculty of Natural and Applied Sciences Journal of Mathematics and Science Education

Due to the importance of word problems in mathematics, curriculum planners for high school mathematics in Ghana have recommended the inclusion of word problems in mathematics textbooks, teaching, and tests. Nevertheless, examination reports, research findings, and teachers' discourse show that high school students shy away from answering word problem tasks. Using a phenomenology enquiry, this study explored the teaching and learning experiences of teachers and students regarding the inclusion of word problems in the high school mathematics curriculum. Twenty-eight participants consisting of 12 mathematics teachers and 16 students were purposively sampled from four senior high schools in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather the views of the participants while thematic analysis and percentages were used to analyse the data. The study showed that both teachers and students appreciated the importance of word problems. Nonetheless, more students than teachers used word problems to bridge the wedge between mathematics concepts and real-life applications. Besides, more teachers than students used word problems to help students internalise mathematics concepts. Additionally, the study also showed that instructional-related and student-related factors caused about a third of senior high school students to dislike worded problems. Based on the findings in this study, it was recommended that teachers should consciously teach mathematics vocabulary, reword and translate worded tasks where necessary. Consequently, students' dislike for word problem-solving may reduce.

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Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies